Upcoming virtual workshop: Dec. 12-13!




Last year, one of my EMS (Executive Mastery Series) clients came into NYC for our private session. Despite his high level, his impeccable credentials, and his CEO pedigree, he’s still committed to learning, growing, polishing, and improving. It was a joy to see and it was a true honor to work with him.

Though he’d put a ton of time into preparing his presentation for an upcoming event, he realized after our first hour that it was off course and he needed to scrap the entire opening and structure.

It wasn’t bad. It was OK. And he could easily have just said, “It’s fine.” But he wouldn’t be where he is now if that were his attitude. He stayed up that night rewriting the whole thing.

The professional is ever aware, always improving, and always asking, “How could it be better?” And then…is willing to do the work to make it so. It isn’t ever easy…but it’s always worth it.


  1. Thank you for validating why I am
    Feeling so worried latterly. I now realise it is because I am a professional.

    1. Victoria Labalme

      Lynnette…so glad the talk was validating. Yeah — it’s hard not to know only because there’s so much pressure TO KNOW…but keep following your interests, curiosities and excitements. They know the way… All my best, V

  2. Oh my gosh, Victoria….the short and clear model of videos never occurred to me before watching yours here. That is the link I needed to get me in motions. Thank you??

    1. Victoria Labalme

      YES! Short and clear!!! Glad these inspired you. It’s easier for your viewers/community and can be easier for you, too! Have fun with it, Maureen! All my best, V

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