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Animating Experiences, Adjectives and Emotions

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As we all know, there are many components that make for a great speech but one technique that’s rarely talked about is what I call “Animating Experiences, Adjectives and Emotions.”

When you are truly committed to your point, analogy or story, your body and voice will come to life. This is why coaches who work from “the outside in” will get you in trouble. The gestures they give you to do are forced and inorganic. And, the forced movement can also come from speakers who have presented their story so many times that the movements seem phony — a mix of self-aware, hollow and overdone.  

Think for a moment of a young child you know or your own kids when they were little. When telling a story that they truly want you to ‘get’, their voice is filled with unexpected sounds and huge shifts in volume and tone; their bodies is alive with animation.

The fact is, they are 100% committed.
So how committed are you?
How much passion do you have for your topic?
And how important is it that your audience ‘get’ your message?

How much or how you little animating you do depends on the venue, the audience, your message and your objectives…a boardroom presentation is vastly different from a keynote address at an arena-sized space, but

audiences will never care about your message unless you care first.

And animation is just one way to let that passion out.  Take a look at the video, give one of these ideas a try, and let me know how it goes.

(c) Victoria Labalme Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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