- Senior Executives at Microsoft preparing them for a number of large-scale presentations in front of 8,000-17,000 people. Victoria helped refine their core messages, restructure their presentations to have greater impact, and effectively communicate their vision by taking advantage of each executive’s background, experience and style. She provided them with techniques to be more physically at ease, tell stories effectively, and land their ideas to win clients, business and the loyalty of partners and teams.
- The President of Starbucks preparing him with the Leadership Team for the Starbucks Global Leadership Conference. Victoria worked with him on messaging, structure and delivery for his presentations to 10,000 partners.
- The Leadership / Sales teams at 11 of the top tech companies in Silicon Valley. Victoria took the teams through her Rock The Room® Performance System and worked with them on aligned messaging, structure, content, prep and delivery. The result: sales and leadership presentations that are strong, authentic and memorable. Many said it was the best training they’d ever had in ANY area of their professional careers.
- An Executive VP at a Fortune 500 Insurance Company who had a critical keynote address and needed to shatter the industry assumption that she was a “plain vanilla” speaker. Victoria helped her craft and deliver a presentation that tapped into her creativity, vision, passion—and demonstrated her leadership ability.
- L’Oreal’s Communications Executive for a high stakes 3-minute introduction she had to give in front of a crowd of hundreds of celebrities and media in NYC. Victoria worked with her to create a “circular” story structure within her
3-minute time allotment so that the introduction wasn’t the typical washed away welcome but rather a memorable, creative, opening. Years later, it is.
- Marketing & Sales Consultants at New York Life Insurance Company who make regular presentations on their products to industry specialists and the public. Victoria helped the consultants distinguish themselves and their product through proper structuring of their presentations and through helping each consultant apply his/her unique outside talents in a way that gave the presentation an unexpected, memorable spin.
- The Leadership Team at Starbucks Foodservice Division. Working with seven senior executives, Victoria helped the team shape and deliver their material so that the National Meeting was a slam-dunk event – high impact, authentic, lasting results.
- Two clients on Oprah and over a dozen New York Times Best-Selling Authors creating PBS specials, Keynotes and Book Tours – Victoria collaborated with them on structure, messaging, delivery how to craft engaging anecdotes and bits to support their book’s content, have their key ideas land, and manage Q&A appropriately with polish, professionalism and panache.
- 12 different TEDx Speakers. Victoria helped them craft the messaging and content, structure, prep and delivery. The speakers knocked it of the park.
- A team of 7 executives from a top NYC advertising agency who had a high stakes, 400 million dollar pitch to make. With Victoria, they won the contract.
- A Senior Sales Manager at major Pharma Company who needed to create a half-day training seminar for his team. Victoria showed him key techniques to create a slam-dunk event and helped him develop the structure and content to ensure that the training was entertaining, educational…and had lasting impact.
- The Insurance & Financial Advisors at London Life Insurance who wanted to polish their consultative sales skills in the current competitive market. Victoria worked with the advisors providing them with unique creative presentation & communication tools to define their edge and distinguish their brand.
- Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s Sales Team helping them develop high-level listening, communications, and consultative sales skills so they could communicate their value proposition, redesign and deliver effective PowerPoint, and present their ideas to key decision makers in a way that left a significant impression…and landed them the business.
- Over 250 professional speakers and best-selling authors in private individual 1-on-1 elite coaching sessions (and literally thousands more people through her workshops) on techniques ranging from storytelling to acting skills, customized humor to character work, video bits to mime, and innovative props to unique take away items. She is known throughout the industry as a Master Performance Skills Coach, helping her clients stay competitive amidst shifting market trends.